Here at VOYA HQ, we've decided to dedicate the month of March to all the Mamas! As days of celebration go this is not one to miss in terms of sharing your appreciation of the motherly figures in your life. Whether they be, stay at home mums, working mums, single mum, new mums, step mums or grandmothers all these amazing women deserve some recognition!
Did you know girls are born with their one and only lifetime supply of eggs, it is said that in the 20th week a female foetus develops a reproductive system including her eggs, so technically in your mothers’ case, one of those, was you?
The Gift Of Wellbeing Treatments For Mums & Mums-To-Be
At VOYA we support and cherish mums and mums to be with our nourishing spa treatments and certified organic products that are safe and very beneficial. VOYA’s organic wellbeing rituals promote relaxation and a sense of tranquillity while being deeply nourishing.
If you haven't got your present all wrapped up yet, there is still time to give her the gift of organic luxury from the sea this year. There are VOYA stockists right across Ireland and the UK where you can pick up something special for mum or if you're going that extra mile, why not treat her to a relaxing VOYA spa day? You can check out all of our spa partners here.
Gifts for the Mum to Be
Mama Care - Stretch Mark Minimising Body Cream
Containing 88% certified organic ingredients
VOYA’s stretch mark minimising body cream contains the antioxidant properties of Fucus Serratus seaweed combined with Shea butter and coconut oil to deeply moisturise and nourish the skin with essential fatty acids. Golden seaweed and Manilkara tree complexes will assist in promoting the development of collagen and elastin, helping to strengthen the skin and minimise stretch marks. This unique blend of organic ingredients, will over time help to reduce the appearance of red stretch marks, leaving the skin smoothed and plumped.
Pregnancy Organic Treatment
Organic Precious Moments
Your bump is enveloped in a specialised mask to help to support connective tissue and prevent stretch marks. Your feet are wrapped in Laminaria Digitata Seaweed leaves to help boost circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and reduce fluid retention. The hydrating organic masks work their magic while mum enjoys a relaxing face, hand, and arm massage. The perfect rejuvenating treatment to support.
The Gift of Relaxation
Moonlight Moments - Relaxing Bath & Shower Oil
With 99% certified organic ingredient - De-stress and settle a racing mind.
Perfect for when the kids are in bed, be enveloped in moonlit tranquillity with our luxurious bath and shower oil. The deeply soothing power of lavender and rose geranium blended with wild Irish seaweed will help settle both the body and mind, leading to a more comfortable and restful night’s sleep. Bathe in luxurious seaweed oils that smell floral and light.
Pour 1 to 2 capfuls into a deep bath or spread the same amount onto the body prior to showering, inhale the relaxing scent of pure essential oils.
For the month that's in it, we asked new VOYA Mum's Gayle Kelly and Margaret Smith to speak about how becoming a mum has changed their lives and their ideal gifts this Mother's Day.
Gayle Kelly - Mum to Cara & Céala
Baby number 2 is here! Little Céala made a speedy arrival at the start of February and it’s been a whirlwind ever since, but... not entirely what I expected (in a good way!) Thankfully, Cara (2 years old) has taken really well to her little sister and Baby Céala has settled in as if she’s always been here! Sure, we still have to deal with surviving on 2 hours sleep, both babies crying at once, changing endless nappies (my current record is 4 in half an hour) days where you can’t get yourself dressed etc, but I just try to roll with the punches and enjoy the moments where we count ourselves so unbelievable lucky to have two perfect babies!

New Mother Tips from Mama Gayle
New borns need to be close to their mothers, they do not like separation. Warmth, loving touch, hearing your voice and frequent feeding is what allows your baby to thrive. Don’t be afraid to hold your baby, you cannot spoil a new born; you are simply responding to their needs. Let the babies lead in terms of their needs and you will soon pick up their little rhythms. Imposing rigid schedules /routine on babies can often lead to frustration and lots of tears. There are no winners.
Organisation is KEY!
I’ve started to plan my week on a Sunday night! What we’re doing each day, what we’re having for dinner, doctor appointments, what bin needs to be put out and anything else that we need to note for the week ahead.
If like me, you have two babies in nappies I recommend having a little box filled with nappies for both babies, wipes, creams and a spare change of clothes for each. Do the same with the changing bag and where you bath the baby. I restock it in the evening
Do a big clear out of toys, clothes and cupboards before baby No 2 arrives! Whatever small amount of organisation that you can implement will be of huge benefit once baby is here!
Get out of the house
Plan “play dates”. We have one every Friday at a soft play area where the toddlers run loose, I can grab a coffee and the new borns will generally sleep! I was lucky enough to strike up a friendship with a group of girls at a swimming class when Cara was 12 weeks old and we all now have baby no 2! I live for this every week (oh how times have changed!) but these girls have literally saved my sanity and made me get up and out because cabin fever can set in very quickly with a new born and toddler!
Of course, it’s not always possible to get out & about, especially if you are not feeling yourself postpartum and baby is taking a little longer to get used to life outside the womb. But I really found my mood lifting if I could get out only for an hour to visit a friend, even if it took me all day to do so!
My Ideal Gift
Vouchers! Preferably one you can use online! Perfect for ordering something nice for yourself or baby from the comfort of the couch! Someone gifted me with a voucher for a cleaner! This was so handy to help me keep the house clean whilst I got used to life with two babies.
Products that mum and baby can use! VOYA Squeaky Clean for mum to shower with and baby to bathe in, Mama Oil Stretch Mark Minimising Oil to restore hydration to the skin postpartum, I found mind dried out both times and body oil was a lifesaver! It can also be used for baby massage but to also hydrate their skin after they’ve shed that new born skin!
Margaret Smith - New Mum to Fionn
Nothing could have prepared me for the responsibility of bringing a tiny human into the world. After what was a very tough birth and tough for Fionn also, reality kicks in quickly! In a nutshell, new borns take up every minute of every hour. I cannot believe 8 months have passed as it all seems like a blur. Your entire way of life now centres around your baby and they are all that matters.
For me, I bottle fed Fionn and it was the right choice for both of us. I am so glad I invested in our comfy nursing chair as it meant I had somewhere to sit with Fionn for night feeds and was never tempted to bring him into the bed. It just became routine every night.

Becoming accustomed to motherhood also brought on a mixture of emotions. I personally found 3 months in particularly hard. Don't be tough on yourself. It is normal some days to feel tearful and lonely. Sleep deprivation can make you feel like you live on a different planet. It takes months to feel close to normal again.
8 months on and I now have a beautiful (teething) little man who has a big smile every morning. I couldn't imagine life without him now. It is wonderful to see him do something new every day.
It is the hardest job I have ever had but the most rewarding.
My Ideal Gift
I love products that I can use to relax and de-stress once baby is down for the night. For me, I love taking a Lazy Days Seaweed Bath, uplifted with some VOYA Scented Candles. The seaweed bath really helps me to unwind and take some much-needed me-time at the end of the day. Plus it really helps to re-mineralises the body and totally hydrates and moisturises my nails, hair, and skin.